

How Long do Fruit Flies Live?

If you’ve ever dealt with fruit flies, you know just how annoying they can be. These tiny pests seem to appear out of nowhere and can quickly infest your home, feeding on ripe or rotting fruits, vegetables, and other food…

How to Make a Fruit Fly Trap?

Making a DIY fruit fly trap is easier than you think. The ingredients for it can be found in pretty much every household, making it a great option for those who don’t want to spend on sprays or commercial traps.…

How to Catch Fruit Flies?

We are here to assure you that there are various ways to get rid of these annoying pests called fruit flies. Most of the things required to catch and kill them are probably already available in your household. Once you…

Do fruit flies bite?

We’ve heard and seen it all. Fruit flies seem to be something straight out of hell. They can drive you crazy with their buzzing, send you to the hospital with salmonella or E. Coli, contaminate your food, infest your kitchen…

What attracts fruit flies?

Have you got a fruit fly infestation? Are you wondering what brings them to your home, so you can get rid of it and consequently eradicate the pesky invaders? We’ll cover it all in the article! Hmm… ‘fruit’ flies. I…

Can fruit flies make you sick?

Fruit fly is perceived as an unclean, disruptive and germ-bearing insect. They are annoying and hard to get rid of. It also seems that the impact of these tiny creatures is far greater than their size, and far more complicated…

Fruit flies in drains

Despite their name, fruit flies are just as likely to thrive in your bathroom sink and shower drains as they are to thrive on your kitchen counter or in the fruit bowl on your dining room table. How does one…